Welcome to the Crazy Ass Bear's Find of the Day

There be weird monsters beyond this point and most of them go by names such as Teahadists, Palibanists, Morans, Goposaurs, Tealiban, and Al-Qrazy. I'll share some of the silliest ones who deserve to have a light shined on their stupidity.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Religion's Effect On The Brain

Exhibit A in the rapid deterioration and mental insanity in a subject exposed to fundamentalist fairy tales. She's just been told the dinosaurs fell off the edge of the flat earth.

"Fantastic doctrines (like Christianity or Islam or Marxism) require unanimity of belief. One dissenter casts doubt on the creed of millions. Thus the fear and the hate; thus the torture chamber, the iron stake, the gallows, the labor camp, the psychiatric ward." — Edward Abbey.

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