Welcome to the Crazy Ass Bear's Find of the Day

There be weird monsters beyond this point and most of them go by names such as Teahadists, Palibanists, Morans, Goposaurs, Tealiban, and Al-Qrazy. I'll share some of the silliest ones who deserve to have a light shined on their stupidity.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Jesus Hearts Porn

Here we have a serious subject under discussion, the right of a woman to choose what to do with her own body, and the Goposaur who surely cites the sanctity of womanhood as he votes to deny her this right in the name of his meddling god, spends some quality time ogling naked women. Maybe he's looking for someone to have his baby. Yeah, that's a good excuse. Except he hasn't run it by his wife yet because you just know she's not going to get the whole I was bored so I decided to go boobie surfing, argument. She's going to whack him upside his hypocritical porn-surfing smut-loving jesus screaming head. The rest of his state should vote him out of office so he'll have all kinds of time to surf to his heart's content without doing it on the taxpayer dime.

Monday, May 3, 2010

When No Means No

I don't know where crazy ass christians got the idea that if they just bothered you enough, you'd somehow give in. The whole idea that forcing your beliefs on someone is annoying just whizzes right by their poor brainwashed heads.

Get a clue, guys. There's a reason you don't see Atheists knocking on doors asking you to celebrate nothing. Because it's all in your heads, you morons! You believe some book written by people who believed the earth was flat. How stupid is that?

Jesus and all your imaginary playmates are hallucinations from bad food or something you swallowed, and it's rude to demand others share in your hallucinations.

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